Dawn Awakening, also known as Undawn, is a new 3D role-playing game under Tencent Photonics. It is expected to be launched overseas for testing in June. This time it is aimed at PC game players. Friends can make an appointment in advance to get it. What are the corresponding test qualifications?
Created a large seamless open world full of real details. In this world, players can feel the clouds, rain, snow, thunder and lightning in the real world, and various characteristics such as combustion, conductivity, and explosions have been restored in the game.
In the game, 12 survival indicators of the human body are highly restored. Players need to pay close attention to their hunger and thirst status, taking into account body shape, energy, health and even emotional state. They strive to survive in a variety of natural areas and harsh weather environments, and choose freely. site and build a home.
In a large world of over 100 square kilometers, players can explore 9 types of landforms including woodlands, hills, valleys, plains, and deserts, search for supplies, collect resources, and obtain materials through hunting to make various props. In the game, players can also experience 8 types of real-life weather changes, including strong winds, thunderstorms, and sandstorms. They can also drive motorcycles from abandoned cities and freely explore abandoned mines and barren deserts along endless roads.
1. Real survival experience, open world, and free construction content create a super real open world for players.
2. Based on Unreal Engine 4, a large open world where players can freely choose locations to build their own homes in the game.
3. There are a variety of firearms and they feel real. There are all kinds of devices such as grenades, land mines, foam bombs, treatments, automatic machine gun stations, etc. You can also summon drones to assist in the battle.
4. Feel the immersive gaming experience in the game, and the various gameplay modes are very relaxing and bring you joy.