Askbox is a very popular anonymous question community application. This application provides users with an anonymous questioning platform that can help you ask some inconvenient questions and get answers from strangers. Help users solve a variety of problems and better connect with people from different experiences and backgrounds.
1. Allow users to ask questions without registering. Once a question is posted, other users can respond, and these responses can be anonymous;
2. Users can increase the visibility of good answers by voting for them, while bad answers can be hidden by flagging or reporting;
3. There is also a customizable page that allows users to add strategies and topics to their questions and answers.
1. There is also a social network component, they allow users to create and follow groups on specialized topics to provide all answers in this field;
2. There is an instant messaging function between users. In addition to Q&A, users can also contact each other through private messages;
3. Make it safe for people to ask questions they don’t want to see publicly and get answers from people with a variety of identities and experiences.
1. Users can continuously improve the visibility of answers they think are excellent, so they can eventually get more users’ attention and answers;
2. This voting system can bring the best answers to the top and reflect the current mainstream views in the discussion;
3. Users can customize pages and upload strategies and topics. These customized pages will be more dedicated to answering specific information involved in questions.
1. This app is becoming more and more popular in today’s world because it provides a safe, anonymous and friendly environment;
2. Can help people solve various problems faced in daily life or professional fields;
3. We are also constantly trying to introduce more interesting questions or topics to attract more users to this platform.