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morning dew
morning dew From Graduation, end of stand-alone game. 2024-02-06

Why do you post so many graduation pictures but there were no updates at all before?

starry night journey
starry night journey 2024-02-06

Why don’t I have a boss mine?

fragments in the wind
fragments in the wind 2024-02-06

2330 attack. . I am only 1559. Graduation is so hard

No trace in dreams
No trace in dreams 2024-02-06

So strong, I have 2351 attacks, 9 red stones, and two red bursts, and I can't pass level 66.

The sun fills the journey
The sun fills the journey From Is there anyone with more physical strength than me? 2024-02-06

Once this sweep is launched, we must not sweep until graduation.

Breeze swaying
Breeze swaying 2024-02-06

I have more stamina than you

distant travel
distant travel 2024-02-06

I want to ask you something

dream time
dream time 2024-02-06

Stop scanning. Save 100,000 before scanning, otherwise you won’t be able to get a few purples.

dream melody
dream melody 2024-02-06

I don’t have as much stamina as you! It’s useless to have too much key physical strength

Early morning after rain
Early morning after rain 2024-02-06

Please pay attention to each other, thank you

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