Iron Lung Game, Iron Lung is a stand-alone puzzle-solving game, produced by the developer of Squirrel Stapler. Recently, it has been loved by many game players. Some horror elements have been added to the game scenes, and it has adopted Created in first person, this game is not for the faint of heart.
Iron Lung is a short and sweet submarine horror game from the developers of DUSK, Moonlight Box, and Squirrel Stapler.
1. An experimental minimalist game where your senses are limited and anything can be lurking around you.
Glimpse your surroundings through the lens of a grainy still camera and navigate using incomplete satellite maps and proximity sensors.
3. A sense of terror surrounding fear and paranoia
4. Original soundtrack inspired by the work of Aubrey Hodges (Doom 64).
5. A short experience that can be completed in under an hour