Alcatraz Anime is a very useful tool for watching anime. There are tons of anime resources here, all free to watch. It is updated in real time 24 hours a day, and the picture quality is clear. Friends who are interested can download it and experience it.
Alcatraz Animation is a pretty good high-quality comic reading platform. You can read the comics you want to read here.
If you like to follow comics, come to the search bar and enter comic keywords with one click, so that you can quickly find the comic resources you want to read.
This is a very good software for reading comics. It can be cached with one click, so you can continue to follow comics anytime and anywhere;
All serial comics are updated in real time and synchronized with other platforms; all comic resources are free to read, and the picture quality is very clear;
No advertising pop-ups, a streamlined and fresh interface, and green comics;
Optimized user experience