1. The recruitment information on the platform has been strictly screened to ensure the authenticity and safety of part-time jobs;
2. The service team will also provide services and help at any time to solve various problems and questions when users are using it;
3. The types of positions are also very diverse, including but not limited to daily part-time jobs, short-term part-time jobs, long-term part-time jobs, tutoring, promotion agents, etc.
1. The job information will have a detailed description so that users can clearly understand the job responsibilities, benefits and other relevant information;
2. Provide accurate recruitment recommendation services through the platform and provide users with more choices;
3. It also provides enterprises with complete recruitment solutions and comprehensive human resources services in recruitment and talent management.
1. As a user, you can find your favorite part-time job through Youqiancheng, try different work experiences, and accumulate life experience and wealth;
2. You can find suitable talents through Youqiancheng and improve the company's production efficiency and core competitiveness;
3. The positions provided cover various fields, including but not limited to tutors, clerks, sales, food delivery people, customer service and other types of jobs.
1. All positions will be screened and reviewed to ensure the authenticity and reliability of the job;
2. Through the intelligent matching algorithm, popular positions are recommended to users as soon as possible to shorten the job search time;
3. Conveniently create your own professional resume on your mobile phone, making it easier for you to attract the attention and favor of enterprises.