The GanChuang Youth app is a part-time recruitment platform based on the mobile Internet. It is committed to providing high-quality, legal and guaranteed part-time job opportunities for young people. The platform's main service targets are those who desire more in terms of job hunting, self-improvement, and entrepreneurship. opportunities for young people.
1. Part-time positions are mainly open to young people such as college students, graduates, blue-collar workers, and freelancers;
2. There are various types of positions, covering catering, sales, education, IT, design and other industries, meeting job seekers at different levels and with different needs;
3. Insist on strict screening of every part-time information to ensure the legality and authenticity of the position.
1. Provide an enterprise credit system, conduct credit evaluations of settled enterprises, and ensure the credibility of enterprises;
2. Online customer service also provides users with a variety of consulting services to ensure users’ smooth job hunting process;
3. Unique recommendation algorithm, based on multi-dimensional data analysis of job seekers such as interests, expertise, geographical location, etc.
1. Recommend part-time positions for job seekers that best suit their characteristics and improve their job search success rate;
2. Conduct refined searches based on corresponding job keywords, job type, salary, geographical location and other conditions;
3. Corporate users can post part-time job requirements online, fill in specific requirements, and wait for approval by the platform.
1. The platform has a built-in instant messaging function, so users can quickly and efficiently communicate with the company and learn about job details, salary, working hours and other information;
2. Users can sign labor contracts online, settle wages online, and enjoy safe and convenient services;
3. The platform has developed an intelligent recommendation system to improve the job search success rate and provide users with personalized services.