Feilu 2023 is a mobile novel reading software produced by Feilu Novel Network. The software has detailed novel classification, local bookshelf, boutique book frame, girls and other sections, covering hundreds of thousands of novels of various types such as supernatural, horror, time travel, martial arts, ancient costume, fantasy, technology, magic, etc., available to users for free. Watch. At the same time, users can add their favorite novels to follow. As long as the novel is updated, you will receive a reminder as soon as possible and never miss any exciting novels. Of course, if the user feels tired after reading the novel, the user can use the listening function with built-in male or female voice to read the contents of the novel. Users in need may wish to download and experience it ~
1. Variety of themes: background fonts can be switched at will.
2. Free reading: free new books, pushed every day.
3. Book downloading: fast downloading and offline reading.
4. Listening to books for lazy people: listen to books anytime, anywhere, without data traffic.
5. Precise search: intelligent search, more accurate content.
6. Network framework: access is smoother.
7. Reading experience: Books open faster.
8. Good book recommendations: easy to read.
1. Gorgeous theme
A variety of reading colors, you will definitely like it.
2. Massive quality products
Various kinds of rich book resources, search what you want and read what you love.
3. Save space
Built-in and downloaded books can be deleted at any time.
4. Extreme reading
Professional-grade layout design, diverse font layout, no garbled characters, precise indentation and segmented layout.
5. Offline reading
Quickly download books for offline reading to avoid wasting data.
6.—Accurate search
Smart search, more accurate content.
7.—Cloud synchronization
Collection, reading progress, automatic saving.