Tokyo Seven Sisters is a role-playing game set in Tokyo. Players will play the role of the general manager of an idol theater. They need to discover and cultivate charming idols and build these characters into a popular idol group. They can also play in the game Participate in various activities and competitions to make your idol team more famous.
The game includes more than 50 characters and more than 200 cards will be available;
The game content will reach more than 50 episodes. Players can meet each of the young idols full of personality and unfold a story;
Players can also challenge original music, select up to 9 characters to form a band, and challenge various stages;
Log in to the game every day to receive "Kasukabe Haru" limited G cards and other rewards.
The Tokyo Seventh Sisters game itself is a work that combines character development, music rhythm, and text adventure;
Players must play the role of the general manager of an idol theater, poaching and cultivating the next popular super idol group;
There are currently 48 characters appearing in the game, and 18 voice actors have been invited to lend their voices to the plot of more than 50 episodes;
Idols will appear in the form of cards, and there are more than 200 types of cards with different shapes.