Get a part-time job now app is an app that helps users find part-time jobs quickly. Users can find part-time job information that suits them by searching for keywords, job location, salary and other conditions. This part-time job information covers all parts of the country.
1. It is involved in many fields such as part-time student work, tutoring, leaflet distribution, promoters, customer service, etc.;
2. With a series of high-quality part-time information, users can easily find part-time jobs that match their interests and abilities in the application;
3. Help users quickly find reliable part-time recruitment companies and avoid encountering various frauds, false recruitment and other problems.
1. Provided part-time company evaluation function, users can see other users’ evaluations and ratings of part-time companies;
2. Provide part-time job information to better understand the reputation and reputation of the part-time company and protect your own part-time interests;
3. Provides the function of filling in and submitting resumes online. Users can easily apply for their favorite part-time jobs in the application.
1. It also brings a series of services, such as free recruitment information release, resume screening and interview management functions;
2. For part-time recruitment companies, it can better meet the needs of recruitment companies and significantly improve recruitment results;
3. Whether you are looking for a part-time job to accumulate experience or want to use your spare time to earn extra income, we can provide you with a full range of services.
1. It is a very practical part-time recruitment application that can help users easily find part-time jobs they are satisfied with;
2. Combine your needs with sufficient part-time resources on the market to provide you with the freshest part-time information;
3. Whether you are a student, an office worker, a freelancer or a friend looking for something to do, we will protect your part-time job.