"Back to Boyhood Game" is a counterattack game based on the theme of life sims. The story revolves around an ordinary office worker who returns to high school after an accident and starts a new journey of life again, experiencing rich and colorful fun. Life.
1. Players need to complete various tasks to improve their IQ, EQ, physical fitness and other abilities to become a successful person;
2. The protagonist in the game faces various challenges after returning to high school, including: academics, interpersonal relationships, self-development, etc.;
3. Players need to constantly communicate with NPCs, complete tasks, obtain rewards, and improve their various skills.
1. Players can participate in club activities and learn skills such as music, sports, and speech;
2. You can also gain rich social experience, make different friends on campus, and interact with people of different personalities;
3. Players can also obtain various rewards through games, such as points, gold coins, skill points, etc.
1. These rewards can be used to purchase various items, such as clothes, books, electronic equipment, etc., to improve your own quality and living standards;
2. Players can also choose to earn more gold coins by participating in competitions, working part-time, etc.;
3. Let yourself gain more advantages in the game and start a new interesting adventure.
1. A counterattack game full of challenges, fun, dreams and realizations to experience an extraordinary life;
2. Players can experience the feeling of returning to high school, reshape their lives, and counterattack in their own way;
3. Embark on a journey to conquer difficulties, realize your ideals, and experience a different life.