Housekeeping Baogong terminal is a flexible part-time employment software for housekeeping staff, which can be used online. It is a platform where you can take orders with one click and go online and offline at will. The platform will conduct real-name authentication for every housekeeping staff to provide users with security. Guarantee can provide a variety of housekeeping services, including cleaning, nanny, confinement care, etc., allowing users to have more choices, which can meet the needs of family members and can be used comprehensively.
1. Housekeeping staff can take orders at any time after logging in and earn money easily anytime and anywhere;
2. Provide a simple and clear evaluation system to evaluate housekeeping staff;
3. It can better improve service quality and allow everyone to select suitable housekeeping staff.
1. Provide point rewards for housekeeping staff, and the points can be used to redeem gifts;
2. Software that is compatible with various platforms and has a wider coverage of flexible employment information;
3. The platform does not limit regions, and housekeeping staff can receive orders and apply anywhere.
1. Technical staff can set their own prices, giving them more income initiative;
2. The platform ensures that housekeeping staff undergo real-name authentication and are supervised by the evaluation system;
3. The operation is extremely simple, making it easy for housekeeping staff to get started and take orders easily.
1. Support contact and location services to allow housekeeping staff and users to communicate more conveniently;
2. The platform will record the attendance of housekeeping staff and calculate income and service status;
3. The platform provides channels for complaints and suggestions, allowing users to respond to feedback in a more timely manner.