Jujutsu Battles Tokyo Saga is an action-adventure mobile game adapted from the super-popular anime Jujutsu Battles Tokyo Saga. The game perfectly restores the very fantasy and passionate world of jujutsu, allowing you to enter a city full of mystery, and the protagonists Jujutsu Battles and Fushiguro Megumi and others fight side by side to fight against various cursed spirits, eliminate them all, and protect people in danger.
1. The world view of Spell Return is truly reproduced, and all familiar characters appear;
2. Restore the wonderful storyline and create movie-level images and battle scenes;
3. Unlock a variety of characters, create a variety of exclusive lineups, and reasonably match individual skills.
1. Start a gorgeous spell showdown, and perform extremely shocking skills and moves at your fingertips;
2. Combine spells according to the attributes of the characters and dominate the game strategically;
3. Diversified and featured gameplay, with real-time challenges in the dungeon arena.
1. As the plot continues to advance, very powerful curse spirits will appear;
2. Continuously improve the character level, unlock cool magical skills, and strengthen the best equipment;
3. Have exciting battles with players across the country, compete in tactical and strategic battles, and compete for more honors.
1. Delicate high-definition game graphics and super explosive combat special effects bring a visual feast;
2. Very simple and smooth control, place and click operations to match your lineup;
3. Different cultivation methods to grow according to the attributes you like.