Patreon is a Chinese-language resource sharing and acquisition platform. It has a large number of excellent creators from all over the world. You can experience a brand-new service experience on Patreon. More high-quality resources you want are available here. It is also a part-time job to make money. Great place.
1. The brand new Chinese application platform makes it easier and more convenient for you to use. You can enter here and become a creator.
2. Protect the rights and interests of every creator and support the author’s resources. You can make money as a part-time or full-time job.
3. More opportunities to make money. As long as your work is excellent enough and the operation is particularly simple, it can meet the needs of the majority of users.
4. Supports both paid and free channels. Users can choose according to their own characteristics and support the authors you follow.
5. A free browser extension or mobile app that allows you to identify customers and receive a summary of their activity on your channel via email.
1. Available to all creators, this tool allows you to publish your posts for readers to have early access before publishing your content to others.
2. You can publish it to all readers or limit it to a specific level. After the time you set has passed, the post will be public to everyone.
3. Include your customer list in the end credits of your video, making it easy to identify your supporters at the end of every video you make.
-You can offer monthly subscriptions to fans so that they can actively participate in the production of their favorite works.
-Fans will be able to enjoy the exclusive content you provide, join an exclusive community, and understand your creative experience.
-In return, you get full creative freedom and the stability you need to build an independent creative career.