Gundam Battle mobile game is a mecha action competition game adapted from classic animation. It will transcend the boundaries of the series and choose to play classic mecha characters in various Gundam series. Save the world with your favorite characters and operate It is a great test of the player's hands-on ability, allowing players to immerse themselves in the fierce battle scenes of mechas.
1. Fierce battle: Combined with the exciting combat gameplay, engage in real-time fierce battles at different levels in the vast universe;
2. Beyond the boundaries: It brings players a new adventure experience, three-dimensional real-time combat, and transcends the boundaries of the series;
3. Perform missions: Complete main missions and various challenges. The weapons needed to become an ace driver are all here;
4. Excellent graphics: The excellent graphics are unforgettable for players, showing extraordinary operational capabilities, and integrating the classic aircraft from the entire game;
5. Restore the animation: faithfully restore the world view in the animation, defeat all opponents, and deliver passionate dialogue that brings tears to your eyes.
[Action Battle] presents a high-quality mobile action battle game with dazzling combat special effects;
[Real-time online] Super exciting PVP gameplay with opponents, refined combat scenes, and real-time online battles;
[Perfect Feel] Perfect operating feel, the original voice actors restore classic lines, it's time to prove your strength.
- Refreshing combat: Perfect picture quality and refreshing action combat allow players to enjoy unforgettable battles, which are very thrilling;
- Massive gameplay: Massive different competitive gameplays have created an unprecedented mecha-themed game masterpiece, which is very fascinating;
- Exciting experience: Give you an exciting and exciting experience, experience refreshing pvp battles, and feel the game fun brought by the duel.