Biquge official website app is a very easy-to-use novel reading software. This software was created to provide novel search, online reading and creation, etc. for friends who love reading. Here, you can quickly help you search by entering search keywords to find the reading type novels you want, and the novels here The resources are very rich, covering different categories such as modern, fantasy, romance, martial arts, science fiction, urban novels, etc. You can also find the type of novel you want to read through the categories. If you also like to read novels, you might as well download the Biquge official website app and give it a try. Here you don’t have to worry about running out of books to read, and it can easily satisfy your reading needs.
1. This is a must-have novel reading software on your mobile phone. It contains very rich novel resources.
2. The software gives you a refreshing and excellent gaming experience, a super gaming experience, allowing you to enjoy the best gameplay.
3. Enjoy reading, enjoy the best novel content, and show you a new reading process.
4. A large number of novels are directly available to you, so you can quickly get your favorite chapters and read them at will.
1. The platform recommends books in real time, and you can choose to view many recommended classics.
2. Support users to directly select selected ancient books to view, and obtain more selected content in a timely manner.
3. Provide bookshelf, allowing users to add ancient books they need to read to the bookshelf, and view them at any time after adding them.
4. Select to view the rankings, you can directly view the weekly rankings, monthly rankings or overall rankings, and choose to view at will.
5. Provides the function of adjusting the playback speed, allowing users to directly select and adjust the speed manually.
1. The page setting of the software is very clear, and the distribution of each area is also very obvious.
2. There are various types of novel resources here, you can choose at will.
3. All resources will be broken down into different categories to make it easier for users to find.
4. The resource library will be continuously updated, and all the latest resource sources will be available for selection in a timely manner.
1. Genuine Guarantee: Reject pirated copies of chapters that are confusing or missing, and the content quality is stable and updated.
2. Super complete collection: A large number of popular novels are collected. We have various official versions on the Biquge app.
3. Popular recommendations: Recommend wonderful books for you every day, collect and read them at any time.
4. Intelligent book search: It can intelligently recommend your favorites based on your novel reading habits.
5. Practical functions: Eye protection mode at night to protect eyes, free customization of reading layout.
If you also like the Biquge official website app, then come to Maikuai and download it for free!
v2021.09.65 version
1. Fix crash bug and optimize user reading experience.
2. The search interface supports switching between searching for novels and audio novels.
v2021.09.64 version
1. Fix crash bug and optimize user reading experience.
2. The search interface supports switching between searching for novels and audio novels.