A love game series produced by KONAMI, Doki Doki Memories 4 is a commemorative work for the 15th anniversary of the series. The game stage will return to the "Sparkling High School" of the first game, inheriting the familiar love simulation gameplay, allowing players to play the role of the male protagonist and experience the colorful three-year high school life, work hard to exercise abilities in all aspects, interact with all kinds of girls, and pursue what they want. Love, while introducing new elements such as "mobile phones" that can easily obtain information and a wide variety of "stunts". Note: The character face display bug cannot be solved and does not affect normal gameplay.
1. This is a love game with video and voice online interactive communication. The highly acclaimed gameplay content is all free and free of charge.
2. Rich ways to play, work to earn money, and buy bags for the goddess! Listen carefully in class, and the girl will invite you to tutor her after class.
3. The entire interface is very novel, bringing a new visual impact to players and making everyone regain their passionate desire.
4. Interact with girls online. The map scenes are very real. You can control your emotions at any time.
5. Personal interest has been cultivated, the overall effect is excellent, and the ability value is relatively powerful.
1. Meet your beloved heroine sweetly, grow up happily together, and spend every day happily and fulfillingly together
2. The time background of Heartbeat Memories 4 is also set 15 years after a generation. The legendary tree from back then now blesses the lovers who express their love under the tree. Having a large number of female characters with different personalities is one of the characteristics of this series, and this work is naturally no exception. In the game, there are action instructions to choose from every day in daily situations, and players need to decide what to do that day based on the actual situation. The same goes for dating girls. Only after you fully understand the other person can you launch an offensive. Players will spend three years in high school, studying, participating in club activities, and dating, freely arranging their own lives and spending their high school career.
3. Heartbeat Memories 4. Various sweet painting styles are happening in front of you. There are many beautiful girls and handsome boys. The plot selection is more flexible. You can participate as long as you like it. Things that happen every day are different. The overall experience It's quite special. Such rare memories will always be there and I won't forget them easily.