Qipapai photo search question is a very practical learning aid. This software is owned by Xueersi Online School and provides convenient online photo search service to the majority of student users. As we all know, in the process of our study, we often encounter some questions that cannot be answered, and at the same time there are no corresponding reference answers, which makes people very distressed. The editor has experienced this many times when I was a student. This software can solve these problems satisfactorily. Student users can search for answers by taking pictures and uploading pictures of topics they don’t understand in this app. The system will jump to the corresponding answer analysis. If they still don’t understand, they can ask the teacher online for help. , explain in the form of video, so that problems can be solved easily, helping students master the corresponding knowledge points and consolidate their knowledge base.
1. With just one click, the answer comes out immediately, easily solving homework problems and allowing students to learn quickly.
2. It has detailed learning materials and real-time synchronous courses to help students explain more knowledge.
3. Take a picture and search for questions with video explanations, so that students can better understand the problem-solving solutions and use them better.
1. The question search speed is fast, and questions from various subjects can be quickly searched.
2. Students can intercept questions and choose freely, allowing you to get the answers you want.
3. The question search is very precise to ensure accurate answers. The questions are taken and photos are taken to search for questions so that students can learn better.
1. It can provide functions such as photo extraction, exercise classification, error summary, customized testing, and sharing of wrong questions.
2. First-line famous teachers, real-person explanations, which ones they don’t know how to film, and which ones the teachers will teach in videos by taking pictures and searching for questions.
3. Use cloud service analysis technology to tailor agile and mobile new learning tools for students.