Novel Biquge software is a platform with a large number of free novel resources. On this platform, you can get a large number of various novel resources at any time. You can find more stories. You can read them on the platform, you can read them below, or you can read them on the platform.
1. It can realize the listening method, allowing the user to relax his eyes and listen with both ears.
2. The Novel Biquge software also has many reviews from readers, which can give you a preliminary understanding of your own works.
3. Please share excellent works with readers here, as well as ridicule storylines, etc.
4. All the works here are free, and you can see them without even paying a copper plate.
1. You can also create your own reading list to systematically summarize all the books you have read.
2. You can rate and comment on the works you read, and conduct instant discussions and communication.
3. Novel Biquge software has strong search capabilities and can set various search methods to search.
4. You can recommend a book that you think is good to others and share it with others, which will double your happiness.
In the Novel Biquge software, you can experience an extreme reading experience. You can quickly find the content you want, and you can find the latest chapters before others, whether it is about cities or fairy tales. Whether traveling through time or on campus, you can easily find more reading pleasure, and you can also cache the books you like to read.