Buzhi Public Examination App is an exam preparation APP specially created for students preparing for the Civil Service Examination. There are rich course explanations, one-on-one with famous teachers, and a community communication platform to share experiences. Users in need come and download and experience it together!
This application provides online preparation guidance for national civil service examinations, provincial civil service examinations, public service examinations such as public institutions, and creates quality courses and high-quality communication communities from industry experts. It is a high-quality civil service examination preparation platform.
Studying is more than just wishing you a successful landing: according to statistics, out of every 10,000 people, there are about 1,500 students from Buzhi Public Examination College, including Huamujun and Lingyang teachers.
Celebrity teachers accompany you to study: top internet celebrity teachers: Shenlun·Huamujun, Xingqi·Storm Antelope help the public examination, all the exciting courses are in Buzhi Public Examination!
Learn high-quality courses at any time: learn massive courses anytime and anywhere, and courses are updated in real time. Join now for a free trial!
Community sharing and communication: Directly participate in the Buzhi public examination community, post and reply, interact directly with famous teachers, and share public examination experience.
Simulate 1-on-1 comments on real test questions, and optimize the export of details;
Supervise class management tasks and accumulate scientific training efficiently;
Detailed analysis is provided during the test and evaluation, so you can learn divergent thinking at any time.
Real-time real-time tests provide you with the largest number of question bank exercises, allowing you to better master the knowledge you have learned. Real-time exercises are more interesting.
A brand-new learning method provides you with the best videos for learning, making it convenient for all users to find the videos they want to learn.
Real-time live learning provides learning content in a live broadcast, allowing everyone to learn more easily and receive knowledge better.