Everyone Loves Guessing Songs is an online guessing game for song titles. This game is so fun that it allows users to kill time when they are bored. Users can challenge a lot of modes and encounter a lot of interesting things. Like it Hurry up and download it and give it a try.
Don't be anxious when playing the game. You have plenty of time and you must make sure you win every time.
Each time you answer 10 questions, you only need to answer 8 correctly. It is quite simple.
Play a familiar melody and everyone will give the correct answer within the specified time.
If you have friends, you can play together and you will get a lot of happiness.
The follow-up will be very difficult and you need to be serious. The victory will be even more exciting.
The operation is not complicated at all, just click and start over if you make a mistake.
The songs have also been naturally updated to give players the best experience.
You can participate at any time, so you won’t feel bored at all during your breaks.