The official website of Xingfuli House Searching App is a very good real estate information service platform. The real estate information here can be provided to everyone as soon as possible. Some real estate resources are super abundant. You can check out some local real estate details here!
1. Real estate related information can be provided to everyone, it is relatively simple!
2. The data can be shared with everyone immediately, which is very convenient!
3. I have a lot of latest data and information here. If you want to find second-hand real estate information, just come here!
1. The real estate information is very rich, and all kinds of local real estate content are available;
2. The UI interface is simple and refreshing, and there is also a personalized intelligent recommendation function to quickly find good properties;
3. Various high-quality properties will be recommended to users, as well as professional evaluation columns;
1. Here you can help users find various second-hand housing information. The interface is very simple and refreshing, and it automatically recommends housing information in the current location based on positioning.
2. All kinds of housing information can be understood at the first time. Users can directly use their mobile phone number to register and log in with one click, which is very convenient to use. ,
3. All kinds of high-quality housing can be found here. You can filter and search according to your own needs, and you can quickly narrow down your search scope.
It only takes a few dozen minutes to filter out the information about the houses you want to buy. If you are interested, you can directly call to view the houses and purchase them. There are also various question and answer and video viewing functions, so you no longer have to worry about buying a house with asymmetric information. , everyone is welcome to download and experience it.
v6.9.01. Fixed some known issues and improved the APP experience 2. Added some new features. Download now and start experiencing it!
v6.8.01. Fixed some bugs and enhanced system stability. 2. Added some new features and improvements. Come download it and experience the surprise and convenience brought by the update!
v5.7.0 fixes known issues, improves APP performance, and provides a better user experience.
v5.5.01. Comment red envelopes support cash withdrawal 2. Optimize product performance and make product use smoother
v5.4.01. Comment red envelopes support cash withdrawal 2. Optimize product performance and make product use smoother
v5.3.0 optimizes product performance and improves user experience.
v5.1.0 fixes some known issues and makes the product more smooth to use.
v4.7.0 optimizes some experience issues, making finding a house faster and more considerate.
Solve known issues and improve APP experience.