In the part-time job simulator game, players have debts in their hometown and have to leave their homes to repay their debts and move to a city where there are more jobs and more opportunities. You need to keep working hard to make money and live a three-point-one-line life in order to pay off your debts as soon as possible. Here you may have the experience of working in various identities and feel the hard work of the grassroots. You must try boldly in the game. Maybe he will become rich and be able to return to his hometown.
A part-time job simulation mobile game that is close to reality. Finding a suitable job is not that easy. The various setbacks you will encounter in your life will make you so powerful. You can experience different The fun and sadness that work brings, only by constantly tempering and growing yourself in failure can you enjoy the joy that success brings to you. Everyone needs to put in their own efforts to gain more.
1. Here you need to face a variety of life pressures and give you various goals;
2. Experience the survival simulation game with an ideal background and choose the job you need;
3. Enter a big city and start working. Earning money, sleeping and eating becomes your mainstream.
1. Poverty is just the beginning of your life. Only through continuous efforts can you completely change your situation.
2. Become a wage earner, do various things, and save as much money as possible to pay off debts;
3. Your jobs are diverse, and you can experience various roles such as porter, dishwasher, delivery person, lumberjack, etc.;
4. Only by constantly trying can you earn more money to pay off debts, which is very challenging.
Cherish every opportunity to work, which will allow you to earn more money and be reused by your boss. Come and experience the real working life here, and experience the difficulty of life from the most basic level.