"As long as you live, nothing else matters to me."
In Lingxi Sect, she is the extremely talented Senior Sister Du.
In the Blood Creek Sect, she is the arrogant and cold-blooded young master Xuemei.
Because she had an irresistible mission, she hid her identity and traveled between the two sects.
With multiple identities, she has been caught in struggles unknown to outsiders several times.
Welfare activities in the community are in progress, and Lord Turtle is here to offer portals to all the geniuses:
[Welfare Event] Special topic for Mother’s Day starts! Come pay tribute to the great mother-One Thought of Eternity: Teenagers’ Dream-Chasing Welfare Activities-TapTap One Thought of Eternity: Teenagers’ Dream-Chasing Forum
Welcome all geniuses to join the official communication group discussion——
◆Official Q group: 719965700
◆Official website: https://ynyh.szfangzhouhd.com/
◆Official Weibo: https://weibo.com/u/7911681974
◆Official B station: https://space.bilibili.com/3546664832862891?spm_id_from=333.337.0.0
Mr. Turtle, how can I use the Jingdong card I won last time without the card code?