Home> Don't play the TapTap version
Don't play the TapTap version
Selected Answers
  • wanderer's heartwanderer's heart

    Looking at this picture, you will know that not playing is the best choice. Is there any game in the world that restricts players from strengthening their equipment? Level 50 requires 30 exquisite jades, and level 60 doubles the amount by 60. One exquisite jade costs 40 gold ingots.

Other Q&A
  • Wandering morningWandering morning

    It’s just a game of consuming emotions

  • Dreaming wavesDreaming waves

    The most annoying thing is watching ads. It’s because of this that I came to Tap. If Tap didn’t have it, I would go to Jiuyou.

  • morning hopemorning hope

    The interface of the mini program cannot be enlarged or reduced! I’m used to shrinking the picture to the smallest size, which is very convenient for viewing the route.

  • sunsetsunset

    Mini program, why can’t I watch ads? There's that ad. But can’t order

  • distant kitedistant kite

    Stuck like hell

  • distant journeydistant journey

    At least it’s good to have a source of ingots