Home> 100th level commemoration (no accelerated level skipping)
100th level commemoration (no accelerated level skipping)
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  • distant journeydistant journey

    It has been measured that the Pentagram tire runs faster on flat ground than a circle. The Pentagram can also handle steep slopes, ice, climbs, and various obstacles.

  • shining starsshining stars

    Doesn't it automatically play ads? How is it possible that I haven’t seen any of them?

  • The footsteps of timeThe footsteps of time

    There are still a few difficult levels in level 120, but starting from picture 9, the levels are repeated. By picture 10, the computer is really crushing it. You have to try your luck to win the five-pointed stars. There is no point in going on.

  • Chase in the windChase in the wind

    Levels 60-70 are considered the most difficult, and after that there are levels 90 and a few more that are a little more difficult.

  • fallen leaves scatteredfallen leaves scattered

    Each one has a 10-second ad.