stealth address sdk
Dieses TypeScript SDK bietet Tools für die Arbeit mit Ethereum-Stealth-Adressen gemäß der Definition in EIP-5564 und EIP-6538. Ziel ist es, eine umfassende Suite von Funktionalitäten sowohl für die Generierung von Stealth-Adressen als auch für die Interaktion mit Stealth-Transaktionen anzubieten.
Für eine umfassende Dokumentation und um mehr über Stealth-Adressen zu erfahren, besuchen Sie bitte unsere offizielle Dokumentationsseite.
Informationen zu Vertragsbereitstellungen finden Sie auf der Bereitstellungsseite unserer offiziellen Dokumentationsseite.
npm install @scopelift/stealth-address-sdk
# or
yarn add @scopelift/stealth-address-sdk
# or
bun install @scopelift/stealth-address-sdk
Tests verwenden standardmäßig Ihren lokalen Ambossknoten
bun run test
Alternativ können Sie Ihre Tests mit einem Fork Ihrer bereitgestellten ( RPC_URL
in env
) RPC-URL ausführen
bun run anvil-fork
# run all tests
bun run test-fork
# or for a specific file
bun run test-fork FILE={file path}
import { generateStealthAddress } from "@scopelift/stealth-address-sdk" ;
// Your stealth meta-address URI
// Follows the format: "st:<chain>:<stealthMetaAddress>", where <chain> is the chain identifier ( and <stealthMetaAddress> is the stealth meta-address.
const stealthMetaAddressURI = "..." ;
// Generate a stealth address using the default scheme (1)
// To learn more about the initial implementation scheme using SECP256k1, please see the reference here (
const result = generateStealthAddress ( { stealthMetaAddressURI } ) ;
// Use the stealth address
console . log ( result . stealthAddress ) ;
import {
computeStealthKey ,
} from "@scopelift/stealth-address-sdk" ;
// Example inputs
const viewingPrivateKey = "0x..." ; // Viewing private key of the recipient
const spendingPrivateKey = "0x..." ; // Spending private key of the recipient
const ephemeralPublicKey = "0x..." ; // Ephemeral public key from the sender's announcement
const schemeId = VALID_SCHEME_ID . SCHEME_ID_1 ; // Scheme ID, currently only '1' is supported
// Compute the stealth private key
const stealthPrivateKey = computeStealthKey ( {
viewingPrivateKey ,
spendingPrivateKey ,
ephemeralPublicKey ,
schemeId ,
} ) ;
import {
checkStealthAddress ,
} from "@scopelift/stealth-address-sdk" ;
// Example inputs
const ephemeralPublicKey = "0x..." ; // The ephemeral public key from the announcement
const spendingPublicKey = "0x..." ; // The user's spending public key
const userStealthAddress = "0x..." ; // The user's stealth address
const viewingPrivateKey = "0x..." ; // The user's viewing private key
const viewTag = "0x..." ; // The view tag from the announcement
const schemeId = VALID_SCHEME_ID . SCHEME_ID_1 ; // Scheme ID, currently only '1' is supported
// Check if the announcement is intended for the user
const isForUser = checkStealthAddress ( {
ephemeralPublicKey ,
schemeId ,
spendingPublicKey ,
userStealthAddress ,
viewingPrivateKey ,
viewTag ,
} ) ;
console . log (
? "Announcement is for the user"
: "Announcement is not for the user"
) ;
import {
createStealthClient ,
} from "@scopelift/stealth-address-sdk" ;
// Example parameters
const chainId = 11155111 ; // Example chain ID for Sepolia
const rpcUrl = process . env . RPC_URL ; // Your env rpc url that aligns with the chainId;
const fromBlock = BigInt ( 12345678 ) ; // Example ERC5564 announcer contract deploy block for Sepolia, or the block in which the user registered their stealth meta address (as an example)
// Initialize the stealth client
const stealthClient = createStealthClient ( { chainId , rpcUrl : rpcUrl ! } ) ;
// Use the address of your calling contract if applicable
const caller = "0xYourCallingContractAddress" ;
// Your scheme id
const schemeId = BigInt ( VALID_SCHEME_ID . SCHEME_ID_1 ) ;
// The contract address of the ERC5564Announcer on your target blockchain
// You can use the provided ERC5564_CONTRACT_ADDRESS get the singleton contract address for a valid chain ID
const ERC5564Address = ERC5564_CONTRACT_ADDRESS ;
async function fetchAnnouncementsForUser ( ) {
// Example call to getAnnouncements action on the stealth client to get all potential announcements
// Use your preferred method to get announcements if different, and
// adjust parameters according to your requirements
const announcements = await stealthClient . getAnnouncements ( {
ERC5564Address ,
args : {
schemeId ,
caller ,
// Additional args for filtering, if necessary
} ,
fromBlock , // Optional fromBlock parameter (defaults to 0, which can be slow for many blocks)
} ) ;
// Example call to getAnnouncementsForUser action on the stealth client
// Adjust parameters according to your requirements
const userAnnouncements = await stealthClient . getAnnouncementsForUser ( {
announcements ,
spendingPublicKey : "0xUserSpendingPublicKey" ,
viewingPrivateKey : "0xUserViewingPrivateKey" ,
} ) ;
return userAnnouncements ;