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wget -qO wo wops.cc && sudo bash wo # Install WordOps
sudo wo site create example.com --wp # Install required packages & setup WordPress on example.com
Eine ausführliche Kurzanleitung mit zusätzlichen Installationsmethoden finden Sie in der Dokumentation.
wo site create example.com --wp # install wordpress with [Current supported PHP release](https://endoflife.date/php) without any page caching
wo site create example.com --wp --php84 # install wordpress with PHP 8.4 without any page caching
wo site create example.com --wpfc # install wordpress + nginx fastcgi_cache
wo site create example.com --wpredis # install wordpress + nginx redis_cache
wo site create example.com --wprocket # install wordpress with WP-Rocket plugin
wo site create example.com --wpce # install wordpress with Cache-enabler plugin
wo site create example.com --wpsc # install wordpress with wp-super-cache plugin
wo site create example.com --wpsubdir # install wpmu-subdirectory without any page caching
wo site create example.com --wpsubdir --wpsc # install wpmu-subdirectory with wp-super-cache plugin
wo site create example.com --wpsubdir --wpfc # install wpmu-subdirectory + nginx fastcgi_cache
wo site create example.com --wpsubdir --wpredis # install wpmu-subdirectory + nginx redis_cache
wo site create example.com --wpsubdir --wprocket # install wpmu-subdirectory + WP-Rocket plugin
wo site create example.com --wpsubdir --wpce # install wpmu-subdirectory + Cache-Enabler plugin
wo site create example.com --wpsubdomain # install wpmu-subdomain without any page caching
wo site create example.com --wpsubdomain --wpsc # install wpmu-subdomain with wp-super-cache plugin
wo site create example.com --wpsubdomain --wpfc # install wpmu-subdomain + nginx fastcgi_cache
wo site create example.com --wpsubdomain --wpredis # install wpmu-subdomain + nginx redis_cache
wo site create example.com --wpsubdomain --wprocket # install wpmu-subdomain + WP-Rocket plugin
wo site create example.com --wpsubdomain --wpce # install wpmu-subdomain + Cache-Enabler plugin
wo site create example.com --html # create example.com for static/html sites
wo site create example.com --php # create example.com with [Current supported PHP release](https://endoflife.date/php)
wo site create example.com --php81 # create example.com with php 8.1 support
wo site create example.com --php82 # create example.com with php 8.2 support
wo site create example.com --php84 # create example.com with php 8.4 support
wo site create example.com --mysql # create example.com with php 8.2 & mysql support
wo site create example.com --mysql --php83 # create example.com with php 8.3 & mysql support
wo site create example.com --proxy= # create example.com with nginx as reverse-proxy
wo site update example.com --php74 # switch to PHP 7.4
wo site update example.com --php80 # switch to PHP 8.0
wo site update example.com --php81 # switch to PHP 8.1
wo site update example.com --php82 # switch to PHP 8.2
wo site update example.com --php83 # switch to PHP 8.3
wo site update example.com --php84 # switch to PHP 8.4
wo site create example.com --wp -le # wordpress & letsencrypt
wo site create sub.example.com --wp -le # wordpress & letsencrypt subdomain
wo site create example.com --wp --letsencrypt --hsts # wordpress & letsencrypt with HSTS
wo site create example.com --wp -le=wildcard --dns=dns_cf # wordpress & wildcard SSL certificate with Cloudflare DNS API
wo update
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Mit WordOps gelieferte Apps und Tools:
Mit WordOps gelieferte Debian-Pakete von Drittanbietern:
Von WordOps unterstützte WordPress-Cache-Plugins: