Eine serverseitige alternative Implementierung von in PHP basierend auf Workerman.
Unterstützt nur >= v1.3.0 und <= v2.x
Bei diesem Projekt handelt es sich lediglich um die Übersetzung von durch workerman.
Weitere APIs finden Sie unter
Composer benötigen workerman/
use Workerman Worker ;
use PHPSocketIO SocketIO ;
require_once __DIR__ . ' /vendor/autoload.php ' ;
// Listen port 2021 for socket . io client
$ io = new SocketIO ( 2021 );
$ io -> on ( ' connection ' , function ( $ socket ) use ( $ io ) {
$ socket -> on ( ' chat message ' , function ( $ msg ) use ( $ io ) {
$ io -> emit ( ' chat message ' , $ msg );
Worker:: runAll ();
use Workerman Worker ;
use PHPSocketIO SocketIO ;
require_once __DIR__ . ' /vendor/autoload.php ' ;
// Listen port 2020 for socket . io client
$ io = new SocketIO ( 2020 );
$ io -> on ( ' connection ' , function ( $ socket ) {
$ socket -> addedUser = false ;
// When the client emits ' new message' , this listens and executes
$ socket -> on ( ' new message ' , function ( $ data ) use ( $ socket ) {
// We tell the client to execute ' new message'
$ socket -> broadcast -> emit ( ' new message ' , array (
' username ' => $ socket -> username ,
' message ' => $ data
// When the client emits ' add user' , this listens and executes
$ socket -> on ( ' add user ' , function ( $ username ) use ( $ socket ) {
global $ usernames , $ numUsers ;
// We store the username in the socket session for this client
$ socket -> username = $ username ;
// Add the client's username to the global list
$ usernames [ $ username ] = $ username ;
++ $ numUsers ;
$ socket -> addedUser = true ;
$ socket -> emit ( ' login ' , array (
' numUsers ' => $ numUsers
// echo globally ( all clients ) that a person has connected
$ socket -> broadcast -> emit ( ' user joined ' , array (
' username ' => $ socket -> username ,
' numUsers ' => $ numUsers
// When the client emits ' typing' , we broadcast it to others
$ socket -> on ( ' typing ' , function () use ( $ socket ) {
$ socket -> broadcast -> emit ( ' typing ' , array (
' username ' => $ socket -> username
// When the client emits ' stop typing' , we broadcast it to others
$ socket -> on ( ' stop typing ' , function () use ( $ socket ) {
$ socket -> broadcast -> emit ( ' stop typing ' , array (
' username ' => $ socket -> username
// When the user disconnects , perform this
$ socket -> on ( ' disconnect ' , function () use ( $ socket ) {
global $ usernames , $ numUsers ;
// Remove the username from global usernames list
if ( $ socket -> addedUser ) {
unset( $ usernames [ $ socket -> username ]);
-- $ numUsers ;
// echo globally that this client has left
$ socket -> broadcast -> emit ( ' user left ' , array (
' username ' => $ socket -> username ,
' numUsers ' => $ numUsers
Worker:: runAll ();
(>=1.1.1 && workerman>=3.3.7 required)
use Workerman Worker ;
use PHPSocketIO SocketIO ;
require_once __DIR__ . ' /vendor/autoload.php ' ;
// SSL context
$ context = array (
' ssl ' => array (
' local_cert ' => ' /your/path/of/server.pem ' ,
' local_pk ' => ' /your/path/of/server.key ' ,
' verify_peer ' => false
$ io = new SocketIO ( 2021 , $ context );
$ io -> on ( ' connection ' , function ( $ connection ) use ( $ io ) {
echo " New connection coming n" ;
Worker:: runAll ();
use Workerman Worker ;
use PHPSocketIO SocketIO ;
require_once __DIR__ . ' /vendor/autoload.php ' ;
$ io = new SocketIO ( 2021 );
$ io -> on ( ' connection ' , function ( $ connection ) use ( $ io ) {
$ socket -> on ( ' message with ack ' , function ( $ data , $ callback ) use ( $ socket , $ io ) {
// acknowledgement callback
if ( $ callback && is_callable ( $ callback )) {
$ callback ( 0 );
Worker:: runAll ();
php start.php start
für den Debug-Modus
php start.php start -d
für den Daemon-Modus
php start.php stop
php start.php status