So holen Sie sich etwas aus dem Internet:
import aiohttp
import asyncio
async def main ():
async with aiohttp . ClientSession () as session :
async with session . get ( '' ) as response :
print ( "Status:" , response . status )
print ( "Content-type:" , response . headers [ 'content-type' ])
html = await response . text ()
print ( "Body:" , html [: 15 ], "..." )
asyncio . run ( main ())
Dies druckt:
Status: 200 Inhaltstyp: Text/HTML; Zeichensatz=utf-8 Textkörper: <!doctype html> ...
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Ein Beispiel mit einem einfachen Server:
# examples/
from aiohttp import web
async def handle ( request ):
name = request . match_info . get ( 'name' , "Anonymous" )
text = "Hello, " + name
return web . Response ( text = text )
async def wshandle ( request ):
ws = web . WebSocketResponse ()
await ws . prepare ( request )
async for msg in ws :
if msg . type == web . WSMsgType . text :
await ws . send_str ( "Hello, {}" . format ( msg . data ))
elif msg . type == web . WSMsgType . binary :
await ws . send_bytes ( msg . data )
elif msg . type == web . WSMsgType . close :
return ws
app = web . Application ()
app . add_routes ([ web . get ( '/' , handle ),
web . get ( '/echo' , wshandle ),
web . get ( '/{name}' , handle )])
if __name__ == '__main__' :
web . run_app ( app )
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aio-libs-Diskussionen :
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wird unter der Apache 2-Lizenz angeboten.
Die aiohttp-Community möchte Keepsafe ( für seine Unterstützung in den frühen Tagen des Projekts danken.
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