Open Source
Öffnen Sie das Projekt in Android Studio
- Build the app
- Run the app (Simulator/ Real Device - Targeted for API 22 Nexus 5 1920x1080)
Fitnessanwendung, mit der Sie Ihre körperlichen Fitnessdaten und die tägliche Kalorienzählung verfolgen, Freunde zum gemeinsamen Training einladen und letztendlich gesund werden können.
Die App richtet sich an Menschen jeden Alters:
o Who wants to have track of his fitness
o Change food habits to gain or lose body weight.
o Keep track of daily calorie count using Food and Physical activity data
o Compare your fitness data with friends
o Wanted to take health advices from other persons (follow their public daily meal plan / workout schedule)
o Who like to do some physical activity with friends at a gym / run-track (invite friends)
- Measures daily fitness
- Graphical Statistics
- Record Daily Food Activity
- Invite Friends by sharing location
Database : Firebase
Login and Authentication : Firebase, Google, Facebook
Food API : Nutritionix
Maps API : Google
Youtube API : Google
Voice to Text Integration : Google
Step Counter : In-built Sensor
Animations : WasABeef, AppIntro, ProgressView
-Navigation Drawer
-Recycler View
-Toolbars, Menus, Floating Action Buttons
-Co-ordinator Layout
-Fragments and Activities
-User/ saved app state
-Multiple Orientation changes
-Hosting data to cloud (firebase)
-Real API Data
-Parsing JSON Data
-Async Taks and threads
-Service (Sensors)
-Content provider (Contacts Picker, SMS Manager)
App-Einführung | Informationen anzeigen | Grundlegende Benutzerinformationen |
Startbildschirm | Lebensmittelsuche | Essentielle Nährstoffe |