Leichte UDP-Bibliothek für Dart.
Ein einfaches Anwendungsbeispiel:
import 'package:udp/udp.dart' ;
main () async {
// creates a UDP instance and binds it to the first available network
// interface on port 65000.
var sender = await UDP . bind ( Endpoint . any (port : Port ( 65000 )));
// send a simple string to a broadcast endpoint on port 65001.
var dataLength = await sender. send ( "Hello World!" .codeUnits,
Endpoint . broadcast (port : Port ( 65001 )));
stdout. write ( "$ dataLength bytes sent." );
// creates a new UDP instance and binds it to the local address and the port
// 65002.
var receiver = await UDP . bind ( Endpoint . loopback (port : Port ( 65002 )));
// receivinglistening
receiver. asStream (timeout : Duration (seconds : 20 )). listen ((datagram) {
var str = String . fromCharCodes (datagram.data);
stdout. write (str);
// close the UDP instances and their sockets.
sender. close ();
receiver. close ();
var multicastEndpoint =
Endpoint . multicast ( InternetAddress ( "" ), port : Port ( 54321 ));
var receiver = await UDP . bind (multicastEndpoint);
var sender = await UDP . bind ( Endpoint . any ());
receiver. asStream (). listen ((datagram) {
if (datagram != null ) {
var str = String . fromCharCodes (datagram ? .data);
stdout. write (str);
await sender. send ( "Foo" .codeUnits, multicastEndpoint);
await Future . delayed ( Duration (seconds : 5 ));
sender. close ();
receiver. close ();
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