Gin ist ein einfaches und schnelles golang
Framework. In diesem Artikel werden hauptsächlich die Routing-Konfiguration und die Verwendung von gin
(hauptsächlich die Post-Methode) vorgestellt.
Golang >= 1,18
# development
go run main.go
# run development
# Live reload for Go apps
# build
go build
# or
make build
# run production
# export GIN_MODE=release
# server 8080
# file chunk upload
# docker deploy
make serve
# #
go mod tidy
[ POST ] /api/form_post
[ POST ] /api/json_post
[ POST ] /api/urlencoded_post
[ POST ] /api/json_and_form_post
[ POST ] /api/xml_post
[ POST ] /api/file_upload
[ POST ] /api/file_chunk_upload
[ GET ] /api/query
func setStaticFS ( r * gin. Engine ) {
// set html template
r . LoadHTMLGlob ( "views/*" )
// set server static
r . StaticFile ( "favicon.ico" , "./public/favicon.ico" )
r . StaticFS ( "/static" , http . Dir ( "public/static" ))
r . StaticFS ( "/upload" , http . Dir ( "upload" ))
func (engine *Engine) LoadHTMLGlob(pattern string)
lädt die HTML-Dateikennung des globalen Musters und verknüpft das Ergebnis mit dem HTML-Renderer.
func (group *RouterGroup) StaticFS(relativePath string, fs http.FileSystem) IRoutes
legt relative Pfade für statische Ressourcen fest
api := r . Group ( "/api" )
api . POST ( "/form_post" , formPost )
api . POST ( "/json_post" , jsonPost )
api . POST ( "/urlencoded_post" , urlencodedPost )
api . POST ( "/json_and_form_post" , jsonAndFormPost )
api . POST ( "/xml_post" , xmlPost )
api . POST ( "/file_upload" , fileUpload )
api . GET ( "/list" , func ( c * gin. Context ) {
name := c . Query ( "name" )
message := c . Query ( "message" )
nick := c . DefaultQuery ( "nick" , "anonymous" )
c . JSON ( http . StatusOK , helper . BuildResponse (gin. H {
"name" : name ,
"message" : message ,
"nick" : nick ,
Zu den häufig verwendeten Content-Type
Typen in Headers
gehören text/plain
, text/html
, application/json
, application/x-www-form-urlencoded
, application/xml
und multipart/form-data
Daten im JSON-Formatapplication/x-www-form-urlencoded
Formular, das mit der HTTP-POST-Methode übermittelt wirdapplication/xml
wird hauptsächlich zum Hochladen von Dateien verwendetMIME
// User user struct
type User struct {
Name string `json:"name" form:"name" xml:"name"`
Message string `json:"message" form:"message" xml:"message"`
Nick string `json:"nick" form:"nick" xml:"nick"`
// FormPost 表单提交
func FormPost ( c * gin. Context ) {
message := c . PostForm ( "message" )
nick := c . DefaultPostForm ( "nick" , "default nick" )
name := c . DefaultPostForm ( "name" , "default name" )
user := User {
Name : name ,
Nick : nick ,
Message : message ,
// This way is better
// 下面这种方式 会自动和定义的结构体进行绑定
// user := &User{}
// c.ShouldBind(user)
c . JSON ( http . StatusOK , helper . BuildResponse ( user ))
< form method =" post " action =" /api/form_post " id =" form " >
< div class =" form-item " >
< label for =" name " > name </ label >
< input type =" text " id =" name " name =" name " />
</ div >
< div class =" form-item " >
< label for =" message " > message </ label >
< input type =" text " id =" message " name =" message " />
</ div >
< div class =" form-item " >
< label for =" name " > nick </ label >
< input type =" text " id =" nick " name =" nick " />
</ div >
< button type =" submit " >提交</ button >
</ form >
// JSONPost json
func JSONPost ( c * gin. Context ) {
var user User
if err := c . BindJSON ( & user ); err != nil {
c . AbortWithStatusJSON ( http . StatusOK , helper . BuildErrorResponse ( http . StatusBadRequest , "invalid parameter" ))
c . JSON ( http . StatusOK , helper . BuildResponse ( user ))
axios ( {
method : "post" ,
url : "/api/json_post" ,
headers : {
"Content-Type" : "application/json" ,
} ,
data ,
} ) . then ( ( res ) => {
console . log ( res . data ) ;
$ ( ".json-msg" ) . text ( `success ${ new Date ( ) } ` ) ;
} ) ;
// UrlencodedPost application/x-www-form-urlencoded
func UrlencodedPost ( c * gin. Context ) {
limit := c . Query ( "limit" )
name := c . PostForm ( "name" )
message := c . PostForm ( "message" )
nick := c . DefaultPostForm ( "nick" , "1231412" )
user := User {
Name : name ,
Nick : nick ,
Message : message ,
// This way is better
// 下面这种方式 会自动和定义的结构体进行绑定
// user := &User{}
// c.ShouldBind(user)
log . Printf ( "request query limit: %s n " , limit )
c . JSON ( http . StatusOK , helper . BuildResponse ( user ))
axios ( {
method : "post" ,
url : "/api/urlencoded_post?name=shineshao" ,
headers : {
"Content-Type" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" ,
} ,
data : $ . param ( data ) ,
} ) . then ( ( res ) => {
console . log ( res . data ) ;
$ ( ".urlencoded-msg" ) . text ( `success ${ new Date ( ) } ` ) ;
} ) ;
oder application/json
//JSONAndFormPost application/json application/x-www-form-urlencoded
func JSONAndFormPost ( c * gin. Context ) {
var user User
if err := c . ShouldBind ( & user ); err != nil {
c . AbortWithStatusJSON ( http . StatusOK , helper . BuildErrorResponse ( http . StatusBadRequest , "invalid parameter" ))
c . JSON ( http . StatusOK , helper . BuildResponse ( user ))
// json
axios ( {
method : "post" ,
url : "/api/json_and_form_post" ,
headers : {
"Content-Type" : "application/json" ,
} ,
data ,
} ) . then ( ( res ) => {
console . log ( res . data ) ;
$ ( ".jsonandform-msg" ) . text ( `success application/json data, ${ new Date ( ) } ` ) ;
} ) ;
// x-www-form-urlencoded
axios ( {
method : "post" ,
url : "/api/json_and_form_post" ,
headers : {
"Content-Type" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" ,
} ,
data : $ . param ( data ) ,
} ) . then ( ( res ) => {
console . log ( res . data ) ;
$ ( ".jsonandform-msg" ) . text (
`success application/x-www-form-urlencoded data ${ new Date ( ) } `
) ;
} ) ;
( application/xml
//XMLPost xml
func XMLPost ( c * gin. Context ) {
var user User
// c.ShouldBind(&user)
// c.Bind(&user)
if err := c . BindXML ( & user ); err != nil {
c . AbortWithStatusJSON ( http . StatusOK , helper . BuildErrorResponse ( http . StatusBadRequest , "invalid parameter" ))
c . JSON ( http . StatusOK , helper . BuildResponse ( user ))
axios ( {
method : "post" ,
url : "/api/xml_post" ,
headers : {
"Content-Type" : "application/xml" ,
} ,
data : `<xml><name> ${ data . name } </name><message> ${ data . message } </message><nick> ${ data . nick } </nick></xml>` ,
} ) ;
“ ( multipart/form-data
)Gin implementiert den Datei-Upload (api/upload.go)
func fileUpload ( c * gin. Context ) {
filesUrl := make ([] string , 0 )
form , err := c . MultipartForm ()
if err != nil {
log . Println ( "postMultipleFile error: %s" )
files := form . File [ "file" ]
_ , err = os . Stat ( "upload" )
if err != nil {
os . Mkdir ( "upload" , os . ModePerm )
for _ , file := range files {
log . Println ( file . Filename )
// Upload the file to specific dst.
if err = c . SaveUploadedFile ( file , "upload/" + file . Filename ); err != nil {
log . Println ( "SaveUploadedFile error: %s" )
filesUrl = append ( filesUrl , "upload/" + file . Filename )
c . JSON ( http . StatusOK , models . BuildResponse (gin. H {
"urls" : filesURL ,
< div >
< form id =" multipleForm " >
< input
type =" file "
name =" file "
id =" file "
multiple =" multiple "
accept =" image/* "
</ form >
< button class =" file_upload " >开始上传文件</ button >
</ div >
// 单个文件上传
// var fd = new FormData()
// var file = document.getElementById('file')
// fd.append('file', file.files[0])
axios ( {
method : "post" ,
url : "/api/file_upload" ,
headers : {
"Content-Type" : "application/form-data" ,
} ,
// data:fd // 单个文件上传
data : new FormData ( $ ( "#multipleForm" ) [ 0 ] ) ,
} ) . then ( ( res ) => {
console . log ( res . data ) ;
const urls = res . data . data . urls || [ ] ;
let imgHtml = "" ;
for ( let i = 0 ; i < urls . length ; i ++ ) {
imgHtml += `<div><img style="width: 200px" src="/ ${ urls [ i ] } " /> <div>/ ${ urls [ i ] } </div></div>` ;
$ ( ".file_upload-msg" ) . html (
`<div> ${ new Date ( ) } <div>
${ imgHtml }
) ;
} ) ;
Offizielle Datei-Upload-Demo
Der Client berechnet die Anzahl der Dateifragmente basierend auf der Dateigröße und der Größe, die der Benutzer fragmentieren möchte. Der Client fordert die Schnittstelle nacheinander auf, alle Fragmente der Datei auf den Server hochzuladen.
Der Server akzeptiert die vom Client hochgeladenen Dateifragmente, speichert sie zwischen oder erstellt Dateien und liest die Fragmente, bis das letzte Fragment erfolgreich hochgeladen wurde.
Die Serverseite verwendet das Gin-Framework der Go-Sprache.
type ChunkFile struct {
Name string `json:"name" form:"name"`
Chunk int `json:"chunk" form:"chunk"`
Chunks int `json:"chunks" form:"chunks"`
func PathExists ( path string ) ( bool , error ) {
_ , err := os . Stat ( path )
if err == nil {
return true , nil
if os . IsNotExist ( err ) {
return false , nil
return false , err
// 文件分片上传handler
func fileChunkUpload ( c * gin. Context ) {
var chunkFile ChunkFile
r := c . Request
c . Bind ( & chunkFile )
var Buf = make ([] byte , 0 )
// in your case file would be fileupload
file , _ , _ := r . FormFile ( "file" )
log . Println ( "this is " , chunkFile . File )
Buf , _ = ioutil . ReadAll ( file )
filePath := "upload/" + chunkFile . Name
fd , _ := os . OpenFile ( filePath , os . O_RDWR | os . O_CREATE | os . O_APPEND , 0644 )
fd . Write ( Buf )
fd . Close ()
if chunkFile . Chunk + 1 == chunkFile . Chunks {
c . JSON ( http . StatusOK , gin. H {
"state" : "SUCCESS" ,
"url" : "/" + filePath ,
} else {
contentType := strings . Split ( c . GetHeader ( "Content-Type" ), "boundary=" )
c . String ( http . StatusOK , contentType [ 1 ])
Vollständiger Code der Serverschnittstelle
Der Client verwendet das Plug-In zum Hochladen von Dateien von plupload. Der Vorteil besteht darin, dass es einen mehrteiligen Upload ermöglicht, der durch Konfigurieren des Attributs chunk_size
beim Erstellen eines Objekts erreicht werden kann (die unterste Ebene des Plug-Ins berechnet die Anzahl der Fragmente). basierend auf der Dateigröße und chunk_size
var uploader = new plupload . Uploader ( {
runtimes : "html5,flash,silverlight,html4" ,
browse_button : "pickfiles" , // you can pass an id...
container : document . getElementById ( "container" ) , // ... or DOM Element itself
url : "/api/file_chunk_upload" ,
flash_swf_url : "/static/js/Moxie.swf" ,
silverlight_xap_url : "/static/js/Moxie.xap" ,
chunk_size : "100kb" ,
filters : {
max_file_size : "10mb" ,
mime_types : [
{ title : "Image files" , extensions : "jpg,gif,png,jpeg" } ,
{ title : "Zip files" , extensions : "zip" } ,
] ,
} ,
init : {
PostInit : function ( ) {
document . getElementById ( "filelist" ) . innerHTML = "" ;
document . getElementById ( "uploadfiles" ) . onclick = function ( ) {
uploader . start ( ) ;
return false ;
} ;
} ,
FilesAdded : function ( up , files ) {
plupload . each ( files , function ( file ) {
document . getElementById ( "filelist" ) . innerHTML +=
'<div id="' +
file . id +
'">' +
file . name +
" (" +
plupload . formatSize ( file . size ) +
") <b></b></div>" ;
} ) ;
} ,
UploadProgress : function ( up , file ) {
document . getElementById ( file . id ) . getElementsByTagName ( "b" ) [ 0 ] . innerHTML =
"<span>" + file . percent + "%</span>" ;
} ,
Error : function ( up , err ) {
. getElementById ( "console" )
. appendChild (
document . createTextNode ( "nError #" + err . code + ": " + err . message )
) ;
} ,
} ,
} ) ;
uploader . bind ( "ChunkUploaded" , function ( up , file , info ) {
// do some chunk related stuff
console . log ( info ) ;
} ) ;
uploader . init ( ) ;
Vollständiger Code zum Hochladen der Clientdatei