triton transformer
Implementierung eines Transformers, jedoch komplett in Triton. Ich bin völlig neu im Bereich des neuronalen Netzcodes auf niedrigerer Ebene, daher wird dieses Repository hauptsächlich eine Lernerfahrung sein, wobei das Endziel ein Vanilla-Transformer ist, der schneller und effizienter zu trainieren ist.
Layernorm vorwärts
Layernorm vorwärts und rückwärts
Softmax vorwärts und rückwärts
$ pip install triton-transformer
import torch
from triton_transformer import Transformer
model = Transformer (
num_tokens = 256 , # vocab size
max_seq_len = 1024 , # maximum sequence length
dim = 512 , # dimension
depth = 6 , # depth
heads = 8 , # number of heads
dim_head = 64 , # dimension per head
causal = True , # autoregressive or not
attn_dropout = 0.1 , # attention dropout
ff_dropout = 0.1 , # feedforward dropout
use_triton = True # use this to turn on / off triton
). cuda ()
x = torch . randint ( 0 , 256 , ( 1 , 1024 )). cuda ()
logits = model ( x ) # (1, 1024, 256)
Zum Trainieren übergeben Sie einfach die Beschriftungen mit den Schlüsselwort labels
an vorwärts, und der Kreuzentropieverlust wird für Backprop zurückgegeben.
ex. BERT
import torch
from triton_transformer import Transformer
model = Transformer (
num_tokens = 20000 ,
max_seq_len = 512 ,
dim = 512 ,
depth = 12 ,
heads = 8 ,
dim_head = 64 ,
use_triton = True
). cuda ()
x = torch . randint ( 0 , 20000 , ( 1 , 512 )). cuda ()
labels = torch . randint ( 0 , 20000 , ( 1 , 512 )). cuda ()
mask = torch . ones ( 1 , 512 ). bool (). cuda ()
loss = model ( x , mask = mask , labels = labels )
loss . backward ()
$ python
@article { Tillet2019TritonAI ,
title = { Triton: an intermediate language and compiler for tiled neural network computations } ,
author = { Philippe Tillet and H. Kung and D. Cox } ,
journal = { Proceedings of the 3rd ACM SIGPLAN International Workshop on Machine Learning and Programming Languages } ,
year = { 2019 }
@misc { vaswani2017attention ,
title = { Attention Is All You Need } ,
author = { Ashish Vaswani and Noam Shazeer and Niki Parmar and Jakob Uszkoreit and Llion Jones and Aidan N. Gomez and Lukasz Kaiser and Illia Polosukhin } ,
year = { 2017 } ,
eprint = { 1706.03762 } ,
archivePrefix = { arXiv } ,
primaryClass = { cs.CL }
@misc { so2021primer ,
title = { Primer: Searching for Efficient Transformers for Language Modeling } ,
author = { David R. So and Wojciech Mańke and Hanxiao Liu and Zihang Dai and Noam Shazeer and Quoc V. Le } ,
year = { 2021 } ,
eprint = { 2109.08668 } ,
archivePrefix = { arXiv } ,
primaryClass = { cs.LG }
@article { chowdhery2022PaLM ,
title = { PaLM: Scaling Language Modeling with Pathways } ,
author = { Chowdhery, Aakanksha et al } ,
year = { 2022 }