Das Streaming -Build -System
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Diese Datei gibt Ihnen einen Vorgeschmack auf das, was Schlupf tut.
var gulp = require ( 'gulp' ) ;
var less = require ( 'gulp-less' ) ;
var babel = require ( 'gulp-babel' ) ;
var concat = require ( 'gulp-concat' ) ;
var uglify = require ( 'gulp-uglify' ) ;
var rename = require ( 'gulp-rename' ) ;
var cleanCSS = require ( 'gulp-clean-css' ) ;
var del = require ( 'del' ) ;
var paths = {
styles : {
src : 'src/styles/**/*.less' ,
dest : 'assets/styles/'
} ,
scripts : {
src : 'src/scripts/**/*.js' ,
dest : 'assets/scripts/'
} ;
/* Not all tasks need to use streams, a gulpfile is just another node program
* and you can use all packages available on npm, but it must return either a
* Promise, a Stream or take a callback and call it
function clean ( ) {
// You can use multiple globbing patterns as you would with `gulp.src`,
// for example if you are using del 2.0 or above, return its promise
return del ( [ 'assets' ] ) ;
* Define our tasks using plain functions
function styles ( ) {
return gulp . src ( paths . styles . src )
. pipe ( less ( ) )
. pipe ( cleanCSS ( ) )
// pass in options to the stream
. pipe ( rename ( {
basename : 'main' ,
suffix : '.min'
} ) )
. pipe ( gulp . dest ( paths . styles . dest ) ) ;
function scripts ( ) {
return gulp . src ( paths . scripts . src , { sourcemaps : true } )
. pipe ( babel ( ) )
. pipe ( uglify ( ) )
. pipe ( concat ( 'main.min.js' ) )
. pipe ( gulp . dest ( paths . scripts . dest ) ) ;
function watch ( ) {
gulp . watch ( paths . scripts . src , scripts ) ;
gulp . watch ( paths . styles . src , styles ) ;
* Specify if tasks run in series or parallel using `gulp.series` and `gulp.parallel`
var build = gulp . series ( clean , gulp . parallel ( styles , scripts ) ) ;
* You can use CommonJS `exports` module notation to declare tasks
exports . clean = clean ;
exports . styles = styles ;
exports . scripts = scripts ;
exports . watch = watch ;
exports . build = build ;
* Define default task that can be called by just running `gulp` from cli
exports . default = build ;
Gulp bietet einen Wrapper, der in Ihrem ESM -Code geladen wird, sodass Sie Ihre Gulpfile als gulpfile.mjs
oder mit "type": "module"
benennen können, die in Ihrer package.json
-Datei angegeben sind.
Und hier ist das gleiche Beispiel von oben geschrieben in Esnext .
import { src , dest , watch } from 'gulp' ;
import less from 'gulp-less' ;
import babel from 'gulp-babel' ;
import concat from 'gulp-concat' ;
import uglify from 'gulp-uglify' ;
import rename from 'gulp-rename' ;
import cleanCSS from 'gulp-clean-css' ;
import del from 'del' ;
const paths = {
styles : {
src : 'src/styles/**/*.less' ,
dest : 'assets/styles/'
} ,
scripts : {
src : 'src/scripts/**/*.js' ,
dest : 'assets/scripts/'
} ;
* For small tasks you can export arrow functions
export const clean = ( ) => del ( [ 'assets' ] ) ;
* You can also declare named functions and export them as tasks
export function styles ( ) {
return src ( paths . styles . src )
. pipe ( less ( ) )
. pipe ( cleanCSS ( ) )
// pass in options to the stream
. pipe ( rename ( {
basename : 'main' ,
suffix : '.min'
} ) )
. pipe ( dest ( paths . styles . dest ) ) ;
export function scripts ( ) {
return src ( paths . scripts . src , { sourcemaps : true } )
. pipe ( babel ( ) )
. pipe ( uglify ( ) )
. pipe ( concat ( 'main.min.js' ) )
. pipe ( dest ( paths . scripts . dest ) ) ;
* You could even use `export as` to rename exported tasks
function watchFiles ( ) {
watch ( paths . scripts . src , scripts ) ;
watch ( paths . styles . src , styles ) ;
export { watchFiles as watch } ;
const build = gulp . series ( clean , gulp . parallel ( styles , scripts ) ) ;
* Export a default task
export default build ;
Sie können unveränderte Dateien zwischen den Ausführungen einer Aufgabe unter Verwendung der gulp.src
-Funktion since
Option und gulp.lastRun
const paths = {
images : {
src : 'src/images/**/*.{jpg,jpeg,png}' ,
dest : 'build/img/'
function images ( ) {
return gulp . src ( paths . images . src , { since : gulp . lastRun ( images ) } )
. pipe ( imagemin ( ) )
. pipe ( gulp . dest ( paths . images . dest ) ) ;
function watch ( ) {
gulp . watch ( paths . images . src , images ) ;
Aufgabenlaufzeiten werden im Gedächtnis gespeichert und gehen verloren, wenn Schlupfläufe beendet. Es spart nur Zeit während der watch
, wenn die images
zum zweiten Mal ausgeführt werden.
Jeder kann dazu beitragen, dieses Projekt besser zu machen. Schauen Sie sich unseren Beitragsführer an!