Points mini game program (with member community, game pk, online payment, redeem prizes)
The program is a customized work for this site's mission in China. Due to the version update, all old versions are issued for free. Protection points are required to read and submit the flash source file main.fla.
[Installation instructions]
Directly transferring to FTP generally does not require special modifications.
1. For points games, you need to edit main.swf again
Use Flash CS3 to open main.fla to view the action, and modify www.dincoo.cn to your address, for example: www.hbz.cn
2. Open inc/zhaoxi_const.asp with Notepad
sub zhaoxi_checkpost
if mid(server_v1,8,len(server_v2))<>server_v2 then response.end
if replace(server_v2,""dincoo.cn">www.","")<>"dincoo.cn" then response.end
end sub
Change dincoo.cn to your own address, for example: hbz.cn not www
3. Log in to the website backend. The default backend directory is /admin/. The account password is: admin.
Modify "System Information Management"
4. Collect points game
5. Generate HTML
For online banking payment function, please open /user/payinc.asp and modify the information.
[Description of background functions]
FLASH management menu
flash collection management
Password management
Friendly links
System information management
add game
management game
Category management
Points management
Points record | Redemption record
Latest challenges | Challenge records
Recharge records | Consumption records
Manage Gifts | Post Gifts
Member list
HTML admin menu
Modify viewing template
Modify classification template
Generate website home page
Generate all games
Generate all categories