IP data records: 328654 database size: 6M
The latest and accurate IP address data of ISPs including China Telecom, China Netcom, Great Wall Broadband, China Netcom Broadband, and Juyou Broadband are collected. Includes the most complete data on Internet cafes. We hope that through everyone’s joint efforts, we can create an IP with no unknown data or erroneous data. The IP database is updated every 5 days. Please update the latest IP database regularly!
Because IP address data is collected privately, and China Telecom will change IP segments from time to time, some omissions and errors are inevitable. The database comes with IP decompression and query software. If you find that the IP address is wrong, or want to provide a new IP address, please go to the Innocence IP Secretary to provide IP address data, or log in
This time, the PHP version is used and supports domain name query. The database version is updated from time to time. Please go to the official website to download and use the pure IP library. Download it and overwrite it directly to realize the IP library upgrade. Due to limited time, the program technical support is in the form of a forum. If you have any questions, please arrive
Post questions at http://bbs.prcbus.com, thank you for your cooperation!~