bbPress is a forum software developed by the WordPress development team.
Do you feel that many forum systems or BBS bulletin boards are very slow, bloated, and often under attack?
bbPress is based on WEB standards, easy to use, integrate, and has fast speed. We are working hard to keep her small and lightweight while also allowing for better functionality to be added via our extensive plug-in system.
What does this all mean? Simple bbPress can do almost any job for you.
So let's get started. Download and install your way!
How to use:
First time installation:
After downloading, unzip it and upload to the my-languages directory under the bbpress installation directory (if not, create a new directory).
zh_CN.po is a source file. Friends in need can modify and compile it by themselves.
The English version of bbpress has been installed:
At the same time, modify bb-config.php in the root directory of bbpress.
Modify define(BB_LANG,); to:
define(BB_LANG, zh_CN);