MySpace is a simple and practical account management system, developed using .NET+ACCESS, with a simple three-tier structure, including account management, website collection, memo management, password box, category management and other functions.
MySpace account management system function description:
1: Content management
1: Account book management, accounting entry, accounting editing, accounting inquiry, account book statistics, account book export and other functions.
It mainly realizes the function of daily income and expenditure recording. It can calculate the income and expenditure records according to the year and month, and record in detail.
2: Website collection website entry, website editing, website query, website export and other functions.
Mainly implements network favorites function, similar to navigation website
3: Memo management adds new functions such as memo, memo editing, memo query, etc.
Mainly the memo note-taking function, unfinished status and completed status
4: Add new passwords to the password box, password editing, password query and other functions.
The main function is the password memo function. Use DES to encrypt the content you want to encrypt and never lose it.
High safety factor. I have never heard that DES can be decompiled.
5: Category management adds new categories, category editing and other functions
Categories used for account books, URLs, memos, passwords, etc. are all set here.
2: System management
1: New categories for personnel categories, category editing, etc.
Mainly implements user classification, such as friends, classmates, etc.
2: Personnel management, adding new personnel, personnel editing, etc.
It mainly implements personnel management and is used for relevant personnel corresponding to functions such as memos, password boxes, and account books.
3: User management login user management
Log in to the system, corresponding to the person
4: Role management: add new roles, edit roles, delete roles, associate users, etc.
Mainly used to correspond to the login account, with three default roles
(Administrator, all permissions; Ordinary user, edit, add; Subscriber, can only view)
5: Common function settings of data dictionary, etc.
Note: Using DES encryption, the encryption password cannot be retrieved if lost, and the data encrypted by the password box cannot be restored.
I used the background style of Xiaoniyu Blog, and also used AspNetPager for pagination. If you have any questions, please contact me.
Release address:
Source code version login account: administrator password 51aspx encryption password 12345678
Demo address:
Demo login account: test Login password: 123456 Encryption password: 12345678