Since it is open source, it is easy to modify. Just add whatever functions you want.
For example, to add an announcement, add a text field in the setting and slightly change configure.php.
admin/install.php executes the installation. Please delete the install.php file after the installation is complete.
Known bugs:
When changing the directory, you cannot delete the original file - just change two lines of code. It doesn't matter whether you change it or not.
The first-level classification list label of search leaf template search.html is wrong: it should be {putsort} instead of {putsort1}
There is another error I forgot, it seems to be the {locality} error somewhere, it is irrelevant.
By the way:
First-level directory tags (used on homepage and list pages):
Secondary directory tags (used on list pages):
Recommended (for use on list pages and article pages):
Recommended articles in this category: {thiscommend}
All recommended articles: {allcommend}
Popular (used on list pages and article pages):
Popular in this category: {thishot}
All hot: {allhot}
I don't remember much else. Look at the code yourself, ha.
Home page classification article call usage
Such a tag means calling articles including subcategories under category 1.
But there is no category name, you have to add it yourself.