sNews is a completely free, standards-compliant content management system powered by PHP and MySQL. sNews is a very lightweight, simple and customizable system. It's easy to install and easy to use via a simple web page. sNews has only one core engine file, an independent template file and its attached CSS style sheet file, plus an .htaccess file to make all URLs search engine friendly.
sNews is a developer tool
sNews is suitable for developers to learn basic to advanced skills and good working knowledge of PHP, as well as how to use, set up and manage MySQL databases. sNews is not intended for end users who know a little or nothing about building and developing PHP, MySQL websites.
All in all, sNews and configuration options make building your website structure a breeze. With sNews you can create a corporate CMS or personal blogging website. You can publish dynamic web pages and blogs at the same time. sNews offers a front page selection and categories (sections) to specify content.
Search Engines Really Dig sNews
sNews uses search engine friendly URL patterns to make your site truly lovable to Google and other search engines (and your visitors). Using sNews to build a highly SEO optimized website from the beginning will go a long way in helping your website gain a good SEO ranking.