Shin Megami Tensei is a Japanese-style RPG game released on the GBA platform. The Shin Megami Tensei introduced today is the first part of the series. The game was later developed on other platforms and formed a series. Shin Megami Tensei is a very elaborate and complex game. In fact, this game existed as early as SFC. Because it was well received by a large number of players, it was also ported to the GBA platform. The background of this game is very grand, and players who play it for the first time may be confused, but if you go deeper, it will become easier and easier for you to discover the charm of this game. Compared to the previous work. The GBA version of Shin Megami Tensei has become better in terms of visual representation, and has also added an exchange system, allowing GBA players to exchange in-game props with each other through connections, making the game more interesting. GBA Emulator Operation Guide Click to open the file in the upper corner, select the ROM in the downloaded ROM folder to run the game. space acceleration up up arrow down down arrow left left arrow right right arrow ButtonAZ Button BX Button LA Button RS SELECT backspace START Enter Accelerate Space