ThinkPHP is a lightweight PHP development framework with excellent performance and rich functions. It has many original features and advocates simplicity. It is developed by my development philosophy and uses the least code to complete more functions. The purpose is to make WEB Application development is simpler and faster. Released under the Apache2 open source license, it was born to simplify enterprise-level application development and agile WEB application development. Drawing on many excellent foreign frameworks and models, using object-oriented development structure and MVC model, version 2.0 is based on the previous one, and has reached a new stage after new reconstruction and countless refinements and improvements. Sufficient to meet enterprise-level and portal-level development standards.
ThinkPHP version 2.2 is an updated version of version 2.1 and can be upgraded seamlessly. It mainly fixes the bugs in version 2.1, adjusts the debugging mode and optimizes the compilation cache.
ThinkPHP 2.2 update instructions
[Improvement] The memory starting record has been moved to the ThinkPHP entry file location to make it more accurate.
[Improvement] Optimize project compilation mechanism
[Adjustment] Deployment mode and ALLINONE mode are merged
[Adjustment] Debug mode is more convenient for debugging
[Delete] Abolish entry constant definitions, including APP_CACHE_NAME, NO_CACHE_RUNTIME, RUNTIME_ALLINONE, STRIP_RUNTIME_SPACE
After turning on debugging mode, it already has the effect of NO_CACHE_RUNTIME.
[Added] Added VAR_SESSION_ID parameter defaults to session_id to facilitate access by other clients
[Add] Add TOKEN_RESET parameter
[Added] Added TMPL_DENY_PHP parameter to set whether the template disables native PHP syntax. The default is false.
[Improvement] The DB_PORT port is changed from the default configuration 3306 to empty to facilitate the default settings of other databases
[Improvement] DATA_CACHE_TIME default changed from -1 to 0, cache permanent cache changed from original -1 to 0
[Improvement] The default value of TMPL_CACHE_TIME is changed from -1 to 0. The permanent cache is changed from -1 to 0.
[Improvement] SHOW_ERROR_MSG default changed from true to false and becomes true after turning on debugging mode
[Improvement] TMPL_STRIP_SPACE changed to true by default
[Improvement] TMPL_ACTION_ERROR and TMPL_ACTION_SUCCESS convention settings changed to THINK_PATH. /Tpl/dispatch_jump.html uses built-in templates
[Adjustment] The usage of APP_CONFIG_LIST configuration parameters is changed to string mode, separated by commas and compatible with the original array mode definition.
[DELETE] Deprecated TAG_EXTEND_PARS parameter
[Delete] The APP_AUTOLOAD_REG parameter is abandoned and replaced with automatic detection.
[Delete] Deprecated URL_PATHINFO_MODEL parameter
[DELETE] Deprecated URL_AUTO_REDIRECT parameter
[DELETE] Deprecated VAR_ROUTER parameter