The main purpose of php Fetion daily automatic weather forecast
1. Get city weather forecast
2. Send Fetion to friends or yourself online
3. Call Fetion API interface
4. Send weather forecast regularly [can be sent in bulk]
Advantages of php Fetion daily automatic weather forecast
1. No need to purchase independent space/server, no need to purchase independent domain name, just apply for sina_SAE space directly
2. All codes are open source. After downloading and modifying the configuration, the upload can be used directly. It is convenient for redevelopment.
3. If you don’t want to use sina_SAE, you can also download the universal version [must have server support]
4. Integrate the Fetion API interface to enable online calling. It is convenient for developing other applications.
5. Integrated online sending of Fetion. You can send text messages to friends directly online without logging in to the software.
PHP Fetion daily automatic weather forecast contains the main files:
index.php Get city weather forecast
f.php Fetion api interface and online sending of Fetion
weather.php daily execution file
data.txt city data
config.yaml sina_SAE configuration file
lib/PHPFetion.php php Fetion class
lib/function.php function library
lib/config.php configuration file