MyfCMS-Min Yifei content management system is a completely open source and free phpcms system based on the most stable ThinkPHP development framework in China. It supports Mysql, MsSQL, PgSQL, Sqlite, Oracle, Ibase, Mongo and PDO and other databases.
MyfCMS v1.0 integrates article content publishing, collection and other functions with an integrated enterprise-level website management content system.
Visual management of website content and structure: free module layout and combination design, flexible content calling, powerful customization functions, WYSIWYG editor and other functions all reflect the freedom and flexibility of website architecture, and the website can It can be made very simple or very complex, and it can be set up according to your own needs.
Reduce users' website development and maintenance costs. MyfCMS is completely free and open source, and can be used by any commercial user or individual for free (please refer to the authorization agreement for details)
MyfCMS v1.2 change log:
1. Modified the problem that occasionally htmlediter cannot load normally when adding article or column single page content in different environments.
2. Keywords have been added to the title of article search results, and can be highlighted using CSS.
3. Three sets of default templates have been added: traditional website (default), touch screen website (touch) and 3G website (3g).
4. When the collection list is modified, strings cannot be included and link content is not included.
Installation tutorial:
Tag tutorial: