K1 of 5KCMS is written in ASP.NET3.5, which can help small and medium-sized enterprises build websites.
5KCMS K1 is completely free to download and use. If you want to use it for commercial purposes, please contact us.
K1 of 5KCMS saves you every penny. You don’t need to purchase a database when using K1. It comes with its own database and does not require any database program support to run.
K1 of 5KCMS is simple to operate. You don’t need any programming knowledge to manage the website.
K1 of 5KCMS is statically generated for the whole site, perfectly supports SEO optimization, and has extremely fast opening speed.
The K2, K3, K4, and K5 versions of 5KCMS are gradually being developed, so stay tuned.