Carnation Women's Network - a women's portal that leads women's fashion trends
Beautiful and generous purple-red template, DEDE core, priced at 5 yuan
Carnation Women's Network specializes in providing fashion, clothing, beauty and body, skin care and slimming and other trend information. It is a well-known portal website for popular women in China. Its beautiful and exquisite bright-toned templates and generous website layout are the objects of imitation by many websites.
Features of this source code:
○Adopt div+css layout, label settings adopt SEO standardization, and comply with W3C standards! Helps search engines crawl data.
○Program core: dede5.3, with collection rules.
○The program compressed package size is 450M, with tens of thousands of data items.
○Advertising function: All site-wide advertisements are added through custom management in the background.
Demo website: