Generate a QR code for your device and manage the borrowing and returning of the device by scanning the QR code with your mobile phone.
Please download the mobile QR code scanning software yourself.
1 Install and upload all files to the server such as 1-1
ems (or other names) folders and log, data, qr_pic folders must be writable
For first-time use, it is recommended to use EXCEL or WPS tables to process the data and save it as a csv file according to the format of the e.csv file in the data folder. The same is true for u.csv files. The letters before the number can be arbitrary, and the numbers are incremented.
Sample files and QR code included
2. Enter to configure the unit name and other parameters, or change the password before you can use it.
2-1 The default administrator password is 123456. It is recommended to change it.
2-2 The default return password is 8888. It is recommended to change it.
3 Generate the QR code and enter to generate the QR code
Print a QR code and stick it on the device when borrowing or returning it, and then scan the device.