The Xuancai e-commerce system is completely independently developed by Zhengzhou Xuancai Network Technology Co., Ltd. It uses the world's most popular and efficient PHP programming language, uses the compact MySql as the database server, and uses the Smarty engine to separate the website program and front-end design code, allowing The website you build can be freely customized with personalized pages.
The system uses tags as the data calling format. Website front-end developers only need to simply learn the system tag functions and usage methods, set the tags in the produced HTML template to call website data, content, information, etc., and then build a beautiful and personalized website. website.
The website system integrates product and article functions, and can freely define the links displayed in the product and article content as well as the titles, keywords and descriptions on the page in the background, which is very effective for the search engine optimization of the website.
On the other hand, by freely defining links, visitors can completely find the actual program processing files and website directories of the website content, which can greatly improve the security of the website and prevent the website from being invaded.
The colorful e-commerce platform program is completely open source, without any encryption of the source code, making it convenient for customers with special needs to carry out specific secondary development of the source program.
Colorful e-commerce platform functions <br /> 1. Product management: product classification, product brand, Taobao products can be added, and the backend can automatically obtain them based on the Taobao customer product IID. If Taobao customer income can be modified, the Taobao open platform appKey and appSecret are Just use your own application. You can add your own products and set various attributes such as website price, market price, promotion price, promotion time, etc. To facilitate SEO optimization, you can also set the title, keywords, and description information of each product display page.
2. Article management: Article classification, article list display template, and article content display template can be set. Each article can also set a display template independently to customize a personalized page. The title and key of each article detailed page can also be set. words, description information and the URL address of the article. For example, you can disguise the link address of the page /article/view/id/20 as /about.html.
3. SEO optimization: The title, keywords, and description information of any individual template page can be set. After adding the information in the background, use the tag at the beginning of the template to call it. 4. Advertising management: Advertising slots can be set, and the advertising slots can be Set up ad content.
5. Order management: Order status, order amount, etc. can be set.
6. Payment methods: Currently supported online payment interfaces include Alipay, Tenpay, online banking, and Paypal. If you need other interfaces, you can configure secondary development by yourself or contact us for development.
7. User registration: Users can register an account on this site individually, or log in using a third-party account such as QQ. By default, only QQ login is supported. If you need other login methods, please develop it yourself or contact us for development.
8. Financial management: You can recharge or deduct money from users individually.
Installation: Please upload it to the apache2+php5+mysql5 environment and install it through the /install installation program. The login address is /qkadmin/ and the account password is admin.
The program only runs in the apache environment.
This system uses .htaccess for URL rewriting settings. There is no problem if you cannot see the backend directory and other directories used by other websites. So be sure to use the apache service and enable the rewrite module.