This is a hospital wap website with dedecms as the core.
How to use:
First, it can be applied to the DEDECMS UTF-8 version. Second, as explained on the template file page, laozuowap template files are placed under templets.
z_article.htm content page
z_foot.htm bottom
z_head.htm Head
z_index.htm Home Page
z_list.htm Article list
Special instructions for the location of the phone number box on the z_tel.htm content page:
Before submitting this template, there were actually many such templates shared on the Internet, because mobile websites require fewer pictures, which is mainly reflected in simplicity and user experience. The interfaces seem to be similar. But what sets this template apart is its ease of use.
1. The downloaded theme webmaster can use it directly. For example, a single page only needs to be called in the "column content" of the current category, so that the single-page column can directly use the second-level column.
2. For mobile WAP websites, especially medical websites, the emphasis is on user interactivity, which reduces the tedious submission of Q&A and phone functions, and directly binds all online contacts with Business Communication to increase the appointment rate of appointment users.